Customer case
TGN Energy
Interaktivt demo

TGN Energy received an interactive product visualization for their complex systems.

TGN Energy is a leading player in renewable energy, aiming to be a one-stop-shop for its customers. With a diverse portfolio ranging from renewable energy production to advanced technical solutions like virtual power plants, TGN Energy needed a solution to visualize its offerings.

Needed to explain a complex technical system in a simple way.

TGN Energy realized the necessity of clearly visualizing their technical solutions to convey their scope and value to their customers and stakeholders. They needed a solution capable of making their complex technical systems comprehensible and convincing. Thus, they reached out to Mindboom. However, instead of a simple 3D visualization, they received an interactive Unreal Engine Demo that exceeded TGN Energy's expectations.

To develop the solution, they closely collaborated with Mindboom throughout the process. It began with Mindboom gathering information to thoroughly understand the product and determine the level of detail and complexity for each part. A workshop was conducted to establish which information should be included in their Unreal Engine Demo. Subsequently, a design sketch was created, visualizing the entire project from start to finish and illustrating how all the components would interact. Next, a storyboard was drafted to define the information to be displayed and how it should be presented.

After TGN Energy approved the design sketch and storyboard, Mindboom's designers and programmers commenced work on developing the solution. Work proceeded concurrently and adhered to an efficient timeline. By operating in sprints and maintaining close communication, they could continuously evaluate and adapt the solution as needed. This approach enabled them to swiftly identify what worked well and what needed adjustment to ensure the final result would be as excellent as possible.

"The interactive visualization solution not only demonstrated what the system was doing but also its benefits for society and customers. Now, we can showcase how the various steps in the process unfold. From expanding renewable energy to its impact on both customer and societal economics. We weren't aware of this type of solution before Mindboom introduced it to us."

- Tommy Bønsnæs, CEO at TGN Energy.

1000 gånger bättre än en PowerPoint

TGN Energy primarily utilizes a demo in sales dialogues and showcases it at trade shows, where they can now easily and clearly display their solutions and their value. The sales team uses the demo to effectively communicate the benefits of TGN Energy's solutions. They are highly satisfied with Mindboom's solution and strongly recommend their services to other companies in need of efficient visualization solutions.

By using Mindboom's visualization solution, TGN Energy has been able to increase its sales efficiency by significantly reducing the time it takes to explain the solution and its impact.

Mindboom's creativity, solution-oriented approach, and quick execution have made them a reliable partner for TGN Energy in their quest to redefine the possibilities within sustainable energy.

“We got a sales tool that is 1000 times better than a PowerPoint.”
— Fredrik Andersson, CTO TGN Energy.

TGN Energy continues its work in Unreal Engine.

A Unreal Engine demo never needs to be final; it can evolve, adapt, and grow alongside the company, which is precisely what TGN Energy intends to do. They will continue expanding their Unreal Engine to showcase more products and scenarios.

In their initial Unreal Engine demo, they were able to demonstrate their virtual power plant and its impact on the customer's business or property. Now, they have plans to expand the solution and demonstrate how their solutions can be utilized and what impact they can have on municipalities. TGN's goal with this type of tailored demonstration is to get as close to the customer's reality as possible, enabling them to gain an accurate understanding of using the solution. With the foundation already laid, they are ready to further build upon their 3D world of solutions alongside Mindboom.

Hani Farran
VD & Creative Director

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